Software price list

Price list of BIOFINGER/SW, BIOFINGER/SVR and BIOFINGER/Mobile software


   version for 100 users in a local MySQL database, license for one/first PC station: 500 USD
   version for 250 users in a local MySQL database, license for one/first PC station: 750 USD
   version for 500 users in a local MySQL database, license for one/first PC station: 1000 USD
   version for 1000 users in a local MySQL database, license for one/first PC station: 1500 USD
   version with unlimited users in a local MySQL database, license for one/first PC station: 2000 USD

The price for license for next PC stations is 50% less of the main first license:

   version for 100 users in a local MySQL database, license for next PC station: 250 USD
   version for 250 users in a local MySQL database, license for next PC station: 375 USD
   version for 500 users in a local MySQL database, license for next PC station: 500 USD
   version for 1000 users in a local MySQL database, license for next PC station: 750 USD
   version with unlimited users in a local MySQL database, license for next PC station: 1000 USD


License for 1 server station: 500 USD

BIOFINGER/Mobile application

   version for 100 users in a local MySQL database, license for one mobile device: 250 USD / 12 months
   version for 250 users in a local MySQL database, license for one mobile device: 375 USD / 12 months
   version for 500 users in a local MySQL database, license for one mobile device: 500 USD / 12 months
   version for 1000 users in a local MySQL database, license for one mobile device: 750 USD / 12 months
   version with unlimited users in a local MySQL database, license for one mobile device: 1000 USD / 12 months

The price for license for next mobile device is 50% less of the main first license:

   version for 100 users in a local MySQL database, license for next mobile device: 125 USD / 12 months
   version for 250 users in a local MySQL database, license for next mobile device: 187 USD / 12 months
   version for 500 users in a local MySQL database, license for next mobile device: 250 USD / 12 months
   version for 1000 users in a local MySQL database, license for next mobile device: 375 USD / 12 months
   version with unlimited users in a local MySQL database, license for next mobile device: 500 USD / 12 months

Special discount for international business partners!

If you represent a security solutions installer, integrator, or any other local or global security company, then ask us about the discount that is available for our business partners.

Software updates

The price for BIOFINGER/SW and BIOFINGER/SVR software updates to the latest version is 75% of the main first license.